June 24, 2021
Maria Joaquina Marques

The world of translation is governed by three crucial factors: quality, price and deadline. Whether technical translation, literary translation or interpreting, the client will always want the best quality within the stipulated deadlines and at a reasonable price. The translation agency may be your right-hand man, since it is more competitive in all these aspects.


The quality of a translation is the guarantee that a product and/or service will make a company get more profit, more markets and more clients. This quality can be attested to by several factors: translation agency’s certification; compliance with the established goals; and specialization of an entire multidisciplinary team: project managers, translators/interpreters, editors, proofreaders and technical department (DTP). Each project needs an adequate team and the translation agency has a database that allows bringing that team together faster and at lower costs, being faster in preparing proposals and responding to the several questions that may be asked.


Price is almost always the most important factor in the process of awarding a translation. The agencies can be more competitive, since their software already allows the pre-preparation of materials, defining the total number of words or pages or even hours for each project and the corresponding workload. With higher production, prices are also adjusted and the client ends up benefiting from all that. In addition to software, agencies can speed up and/or reduce bureaucratic processes, since they offer multiple services in a large variety of languages, eliminating the time spent looking for translators in specific areas and working with specific language pairs. This detail is important when choosing to enter into an agreement, since it avoids dispersing the client's internal resources in this type of work, and saves both time and money.


Se os clientes querem qualidade numa tradução, querem-na, acima de tudo, dentro dos prazos acordados. Agendar e entregar uma tradução dentro do prazo estabelecido nem sempre é tão simples  quanto possa parecer. Há muitos profissionais que se desleixam e acabam por não cumprir os seus prazos. Uma agência de tradução, para ser competitiva, tem de ser rigorosa com os seus colaboradores em relação aos prazos de entrega das traduções e das respetivas revisões, não só porque isso reduzirá tempos de proposta e adjudicações, mas também porque mostrará aos clientes que é séria, que sabe seguir regras e que cumpre o acordado, não deitando a perder negócios, clientes e mercados. No caso da interpretação, a pontualidade é fundamental e todo o agendamento deve ser tratado antecipadamente para que o trabalho corra como planeado.